Saturday, March 3, 2012

Eco Kids make the world a colorful place

I planned so many things for today for Eco Kids, that I had a problem what to choose:) In the end the weather decided. It was sunny and warm so we went to Jeziorka river  to see how it looks. It was a very nice walk, but Eco Kids were just shocked when we arrived and they saw all this garbage around. It is terrible! All this cans, bottles, paper, bags, even dirty diapers laying on the ground... It is like a huge trash over there! You can tell about it and show the pictures in the books, but only when you see it you understand there must be the one who will try to change the world. Here comes Eco Kids! Later in the classroom we were talking and discussing what we can do about this trash at the river bank, what we can change and how. We will also work on it next weeks and kids will tell you about the result.    
Then Eco Kids also saw how grey is around after winter time and they took the color chalk we had with us (25 colors:) and they started to make the world the colorful place. You can see all at the photos. Eco Kids made many signs about recycling and many beautiful drawing. It was great as a teamwork, cause we are a great team! 
The first group was a very long time at the ecowalk, time passed so quickly... and when we came back to the classroom Eco Kids ate warm wafles and fruits. Then it was time to finish. 
The second group was mostly boys so they made the swords. They liked them a lot! They took them to the river and they played with them safety there. When we came back we ate the fruits and we repaired them:)  

It was fantastic Saturday!

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