Monday, October 29, 2012

Another trip of Eco Kids!

Today was another trip of Eco Kids. Many kids left for the fall break, but for those who stayed it was a great occasion to see what is happening with the trash.
We went today to Remondis, the big world company, which works for 30 million people in 29 countries, also in Poland since 1992. In Poland Remondis has offices in 41 cities of Poland. Every year Remondis collects, recycle and sells 25 millions of ton of trash in different countries. 
"We saw how the trash was recycled in many different ways: cutting into little pieces, burning, selling to other companies to make for example polar clothes out of it. They also showed us how to make gas for your car out of the trash. And also how trash is segregated by the machines and people." - said about the trip of Eco Kids.
"We could smell the trash and realize that this ugly smell is the part of civilization process" - said another Eco Kid.
"Segregation trash at home is the way of recycling, otherwise the company can not do anything with dirty, mixed trash: bottles, cans, plastic containers and other things together." - said the next kids.      
It was great to educate kids in this subject. It is important to experience it more than to just say it. Now we will think twice before we will throw something out. 
Today Eco Kids saw the world like from the movie "Wallie". Hope in some years our planet will not look like this... You can see the pictures.

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