Friday, December 30, 2011
The ecoprincess day
I loved the way girls were making art & crafts. Making the princess was a challenge - to cut things, connect the materials, glue some parts, etc. It took us an hour, but it was worth it! We had some beautiful dolls in the end.
Later we made the candles with Christmas theme. Seemed to be so easy after the first work, but took some time to make it nicely. Most of the girls wanted to give it as a present to the grandparents, which is very kind of them.
We also watched the short movie about nature. The girls were very interested in it. We also played games!
It was a great week and thank you ECO KIDS, see you soon:)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The day with... spiders
Today one of the boys brought a toy, which was a great inspiration for the whole day of playing outside, but also for arts & crafts project. The most exciting things and ideas are the ones of kids.
Kids played outside for some time on the beginning. Then we came to the class to make arts & crafts and looking at the toy kids realized they would love to make... spiders. So we were thinking together how to make it. We used the bottom of the bottle and some wire to do it. The spiders came out soooo cool! Just look at the photos!
Some girls did not like to make spiders, so they made very nice vases. They had some leaves and flowers on them, they looked beautiful.
We listed today to many ecosongs, some of them kids can even sing now after the days at the workshop!
Outside we made the letters from the boxes. It was funny - some kids made the first letters of their names, some made the first letters of the parents names, some of... the horses:)
We came back home to make the the arts and crafts from the nuts. That was so interesting! Kids made the whole families out of nuts, but also cats and dogs.
And... we also played games!
Tomorrow we will make the princesses! Wow!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The next ecoworkshop starts...
So far every ecoworkshop the sun was shining. We always had great weather! Today this rule proved to be true, once again.
So we started playing outside, having fun between the trees and bushes. The Eco Kids were full of energy and happy.
We also made recycling arts & crafts and listened to eco songs like "Think Green", "Eco Theme Song", and "Recycle It" by Let's Go Green Kids. The childrens' favorite is "Recycle It".
To welcome 2012 we made two projects. One was a hanger with a title "2012" and the other one was a snake. I liked that this time kids had a lot of different ideas and in the end the projects came out very different. One girl made a reindeer from a box she had from one Christmas present!
Tomorrow we meet together again! Looking forward!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Great time with great Eco Kids
This week session ended up today and after all I have to say we had a great time. We learned a lot about nature and how to take care of our planet. We learned how we can change the world everyday. We made arts and crafts, played games, made games ourselves, constructed, sang the Christmas carols. It was time of learning how to be in a team and learn from each other, help each other and support each other.
Today we played outside some games, working as a great team, what you can see on the pictures.
Later we made a project "trees in the year". Every child could make a tree in the choosen season. Most of the kids made the spring trees, but some also winter trees with snow. I love the project.
Then we divided into two groups: one was making garage (it is such a popular project, that everybody wants to do it:) and the second group was making special pictures with Christmas trees. This was a very difficult project so I was so proud that ALL of the kids did it and made it so amazing.
Always very important part of each ecoworkshop is the presentation of the works, when kids have the occasion to tell about the work being proud of what they did.
In the end the last thing which took us one hour was making ECO BOARD GAME. Kids were in two teams and they made it so wisely and funny together. Then they... play it! The parents could see and join.
Today it was so nice, that many kids told me they regret that it was the last day of the session and how much they liked all the projects. Thank you all!
See you next week, Wednesday and Thursday!
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